Mulleris Dignitatis

Dignity and Vocation of Women  Mulleris Dignitatis -John Paul II

On the suffering of women

"As we contemplate this Mother, whose heart a sword has pierced  (cf. Luke 2:35), our thoughts go to all  the suffering women in the world, suffering either physically or morally. In this suffering  a woman's sensitivity plays a role, even though she often succeeds in resisting suffering better than a man.

It is difficult to enumerate these sufferings; it is difficult to call them all by name. We may recall her maternal care for her children, especially when they fall sick or fall into bad ways;  the death of those most dear to her;  the loneliness of mothers forgotten by their grown-up children; the loneliness of widows; the sufferings of women who struggle alone to make a living; and women who have been wronged or exploited. Then there are the sufferings of consciences as a result of sin,  which has wounded the woman's human or maternal dignity: the wounds of consciences which do not heal easily. With these sufferings too we must place ourselves at the foot of the Cross." Mulieris Dignitatem, 21

Pope Francis Comments On Mullieris Dignitatis
-Women called to Service but not servitude

"Calling a woman to maternity, God entrusted the human being to her in an altogether special manner"

The Pope warned that there are two dangers always present when speaking about this topic, calling them "two extreme opposites that destroy woman and her vocation."

"The first is to reduce maternity to a social role, to a task, albeit noble, but which in fact sets the woman aside with her potential and does not value her fully in the building of community. This is both in the civil sphere and in the ecclesial sphere," explained the Holy Father. "And, in reaction to this, there is the other danger in the opposite direction, that of promoting a type of emancipation which, in order to occupy spaces taken away from the masculine, abandons the feminine with the precious traits that characterize it."

..."Woman has a particular sensitivity for the ‘things of God’, above all in helping us to understand the mercy, tenderness and love that God has for us, and it pleases me to think that the Church is not ‘il Chiesa’ [‘the Church’, masculine]: it is ‘la Chiesa’ [feminine]. The Church is a woman! The Church is a mother! And that’s beautiful, eh? We have to think deeply about this."

"I suffer – speaking truthfully! – when I see in the Church or in some ecclesial organizations that the role of service that we all have, and that we must have - but that the role of service of the woman slips into a role of "servidumbre" [Spanish: servitude]. . . I see women that do things out of "servitude" and not out of service." >>>

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