Prayer for the sick
To our Lady of Guadalupe

Immaculate Mother. Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. Health of the Sick. Your anointed heavenly hands healed Juan Bernardino and brought us the River of Light, of Life and of Health.

Into your heavenly hands I commend my faith, my hope on all my sufferings, please unite them to the passion of your son, Jesus Christ, that they may serve as instruments of my salvation and the salvation of all my brothers and sisters. From this moment on, I accept all that the Sacred Heart of your Son may wish to send me. I decided to complete in my life what is lacking to His redeeming passion.

Oh Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. I trust that you will give me the strength and all that I need to live with spiritual health and if it serves God's glory on my true well-being, you will give me my physical health also. Amen

Love Crucified