Blessed Veronica BinascoBlessed Veronica of Binasco
Jan 13

Veronica was born in Binasco, near Milan, in 1445, Being the daughter of humble peasants, she grew up in the midst of rigorous work without going to school.

At twenty she entered the Augustinian convent of Santa Maria in Milan and spent thirty years of religious life in the humble office of sister mendicant.

In the convent, with great effort, she barely learned to read and write. However, the Blessed Mother revealed to her in a vision the path to the divine science of union with God:

1) Purity of heart.
2) Patience with our neighbor, so that instead of being scandalized by their sins, we pray for those who commit them.
3) Daily meditation on the Passion of Jesus.

These three points summarize holiness because they lead the soul to:
1-be all for God (through purity)
2-Love your neighbor (through patience)
3-Love God (through contemplation)

The Blessed Mother gave her three colors to help her remember the three points: white for purity, black for patience and red of the Passion.

She learned divine wisdom without ever opening a book of theology. She also had a clear insight of the afflictions of others so that she could join in their suffering. Begging door to door, Sister Veronica always gave more than what she received. She gave the bread that feeds the soul.

Blessed Veronica had the gift of prophecy. By request of the Blessed Mother she traveled to Rome to deliver a message to Pope Alexander VI. The Pope (a great devotee of the Blessed Mother) received her and listened because he understood that she was a privileged soul. She announced the date and time of her death which was January 13, 1497.

Ten years after his death, Leo X granted private worship.

Pope Leo X in 1517 confirmed his cult.

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