The truth about the attacks against the holy father Spanish
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Forgiveness does not replace justice -Ben XVI
Vatican Response
Questions and Answers Regarding the Canonical Process for the Resolution of Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Deacons -US Bishops (USCCB).
Scoundrel-Times George Weigel
Cardinal Levada responds to NY Times
US Bishops thank pope
Archbishop Dolan
Why this attacks Robert Moynihan
Setting the record straight re: abusive Milwaukee priest, Father Lawrence Murphy
A response to the NY Times by Fr. Raymond J. de Souza
The teaching of Christ regarding abuse of children is clear and strong: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him, if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!" -Matthew 18:6-7
The Pope has been very clear about the evil in the Church: "The attacks on the Pope and the Church do not just come from outside, but the sufferings of the Church come precisely from within the Church, from the sin that is in the Church," he said. "This has always been known, but today we see it in a really terrifying way: The greatest persecution of the Church does not come from external enemies, but is born from the sin in the Church.
"And the Church, therefore, has the profound need to learn penance again, to accept purification, to learn on one hand forgiveness, as well as the need for justice. Forgiveness does not replace justice." Still, the Pope confirmed that "the Lord is stronger than evil and the Virgin is, for us, the visible, maternal guarantee of the goodness of God, who is always the last word in history." SEE:
It should also be clear by now that the media is exploiting this terrible situation to attack the Church in general.
LIE: The Catholic Church has been at the center of the child abuse scandal that continues to grow.
RESPONSE: The fact is that child abuse is rampart everywhere. Members of the Church are also vulnerable to fall in as much as they are in the world.
Archbishop John C. Nienstedt writes: A study undertaken by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice reported last November that the height of reported sexual abuse cases by priests occurred during the 1960s and 1970s. This clergy abuse was concurrent with the so-called sexual revolution, resulting in a high incidence of sexual promiscuity, divorce and drug use within our culture.
The report suggests that the church was not immune from these influences: The incidence of abuse of youth in the Catholic Church between 1950 and 2002 is consistent with the pattern of social change in the USA.
This, of course, is not mentioned to exonerate the heinous actions of the churchs ministers. But keeping the context in mind does help to provide some perspective in light of some of the more extreme claims made against the church in the midst of such scandals. Other denominations and organizations regrettably had their own incidence of sexual abuse of children. Source: The Catholic Spirit
Unfortunately some bishops in the 1960s and 1970s were influenced in some degree to the prevailing view of the times. It was believed that the compulsion to abuse children could be fixed by therapy offered by psychologists and psychiatrists. The standard practice in all organizations was to accept the experts advice when they declared that therapy had worked.
The sexual revolution which began in the 1960,s caused a rapid erotion sexual morality. The infamous "Kinsey Report" became extremely influencial, finding its way to numerous prestigious centers of learning. Among many other aberrations, Kinsey justified sexual experimentation with children. The Catholic Church has been steadfast in its teaching about moral values but, unfortunately, the corruption of the world also finds its way into the Church.
BIG LIE: That the Pope has said nothing about the abuse of children in the church Many media outlets claim that the Pope has said nothing about the abuse cases.
RESPONSE: The fact is that the Holy Father has spoken repeatedly and clearly about these abuses. He has done before and after his election to the papacy. He has also acted against the abuses and has met with the victims. He has asked forgiveness in the name of the Church for those who have committed abuses. He continues to confront this evil. Here is one of many of the Holy Father´s statements: "Apart from the attention we must pay to the victims, we must pursue co-operation with the relevant civilian judicial and penal authorities, in line with the legal and other situations in each country," "Transparency and rigor impose themselves as urgent requirements.
Archbishop John C. Nienstedt writes: He (the pope) helped provide (in 2002) the canonical assistance we needed in order to address the terrible scourge of sexual abuse in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The charter is online:
Later, during his pastoral visit to the United States of America in 2008, Pope Benedict spoke to the difficult issue directly:
Among the countersigns to the Gospel of life found in America and elsewhere is one that causes deep shame: the sexual abuse of minors. Many of you have spoken to me of the enormous pain that your communities have suffered when clerics have betrayed their priestly obligations and duties by such gravely immoral behavior. As you strive to eliminate this evil wherever it occurs, you may be assured of the prayerful support of Gods people throughout the world.
Rightly you attach priority to showing compassion and care to the victims, he continued. It is your God-given responsibility as pastors to bind up the wounds caused by every breach of trust, to foster healing, to promote reconciliation and to reach out with loving concern to those so seriously wronged. –The Catholic Spirit
Archbishop Vincen Nicols: "What of the role of Pope Benedict? When he was in charge of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith he led important changes made in church law: the inclusion in canon law of internet offences against children, the extension of child abuse offences to include the sexual abuse of all under 18, the case by case waiving of the statue of limitation and the establishment of a fast-track dismissal from the clerical state for offenders. He is not an idle observer. His actions speak as well as his words."
BIG LIE: That sex abuse by priests is part of a wide practice that goes unpunished. Geoffrey Robertson wrote: "If acts of sexual abuse by priests are not isolated or sporadic events but part of a wide practice both known to and unpunished by their de facto-authority – i.e. the Catholic Church (… then the commander can be held criminally liable," -LONDON, April 5, 2010, Pope's Immunity Could Be Challenged in U.K.
RESPONSE: fact is that the abuse goes on everywhere. To a lesser extent, also among priests. Yet no one has done more than the Church to eliminate the abuses.
Since 2002, the Catholic Church in this country has worked harder than any other organization that I can think of to put into place measures to protect young people as well as to reach out to former victims. A statement of the facts is helpful here:
Catholic dioceses around this country have invested more than $21 million for child protection efforts, including training programs, background checks and salaried positions. Almost 6 million students in Catholic schools or religious education programs have participated in safe environment training. Over 2 million priests, deacons, seminarians, educators, employees and volunteers have had background checks. –Archbishop John C. Nienstedt, The Catholic Spirit
April 12, 2010
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a news story just posted by the Associated Press (AP) titled, "Vatican to Bishops: Follow Law, Report Sex Abuse":
The Vatican decided to add a sentence to its guidelines on sex abuse, making plain the need for bishops to follow civil reporting laws. Here is how AP decided to frame the issue: "Victims, government inquiries and grand juries have all charged that the Catholic Church created what amounted to a conspiracy to cover up abuse by keeping allegations that priests raped and molested children secret and not reporting them to civil authorities."
Now if there is a conspiracy to cover-up sex abuse, it belongs to the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and media outlets like APnot the Catholic Church. For example, in 2002 [click here], in New York State, it was the New York Civil Liberties Union and Family Planning Advocates (the lobbying arm of Planned Parenthood) that pressured lawmakers not to pass a mandatory reporting law. Why? Because Planned Parenthood counselors learn of cases of statutory rape on a regular basis, and the last thing it wants to do is turn in its clients. New York State bishops, on the other hand, supported the law, but don't look to APor any other news sourceto drop the hammer on the ACLU and Planned Parenthood.
There is a cover-up going on all right, and it involves civil libertarian and pro-abortion groups teaming up with the teachers' unions to stop real reform. Meanwhile, the public is led to believe that the bishops are the guilty party. Add to this the media cover-up of the role that homosexual priests have played in the scandal, and the conspiracy only widens.
The fact is that Mr Robertson is singling out the Catholic Church for a tragedy that is shared by all organizations. No one is doing more that the Catholic Church to reform itself. Never has abuse or cover up been the policy of the Church as he suggests.
The Fatima message help us understand what is happening
Pravda (Russia),, published a defense of the pope!! Excerpts:
One aspect that makes us suspicious of the "goodwill" of these stories is that they focus exclusively on cases of pedophilia of Catholic clergy, when we know that addiction cuts across all religions and organizations. We find it in all social strata and even within families. The pedophile is in principle very close to the victim and their confidence, that is not a stranger … and may even be a father, uncle, etc.. When it is argued that priests are more prone to abuse because of the celibacy that is required, as they repeatedly try to justify the temptation toward sexual abuse, it seems to be forgotten that these buggers are not always single and are often seen as "good" heads of the family, so the person apparently seems normal.
The fury of the anti-clerical secular lobby goes so far as to revive old cases like that of Father Lawrence Murphy, back in 1975, to address the current Pope insidiously and in this way, the very Roman Catholic Church. On 25 March of this year, the prestigious New York Times published an article that allegedly accused Benedict XVI of covering up for the priest from Milwaukee in 1995 when the Pope was still Cardinal and responsible for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It must be motivated by a very strong hatred of Catholicism to raise this issue 35 years afterwards… Artur Rosa Teixeira
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