

God is love and the saints are those who live and witness to Him.
"The ability to love is within each of us. I will try,  as far as I am able, to fan into flame the spark of divine love that is hidden within you, through the power of the Holy Spirit.” St Basil the Great, From Rules for Monks.
"Love and truth are two names for the same reality: the two names of God.” Pope Benedict XVI

Love them Anyway -Mother Teresa
Love is a passion -Fr. Jordi Rivero
Love sinners Love beyond the surface, Mark Mallet
Sins against charity
Spousal Love Of God
Love of Shepherds for their
Two Faces of Love: Eros and Agape  -Fr. Cantalamessa lenten homilies to Benedict XVI, 2011.
What you love decides everything -Fr. Arrupe

Patron saints for marital relationships

St Catherine of Siena
"My Lord, set me on fire with love for you. Let me think of nothing, crave for nothing, yearn for nothing, but you. How I wish to be caught up in this searching fire of love!  How I wish it would consume every obstacle that blocks my path toward you!  Make my love for you grow stronger each day of my life."

St Faustina
"El amor puro es capaz de grandes empresas y no lo destruyen ni las dificultades ni las contrariedades, si el amor [es] fuerte [a pesar] de grandes dificultades, también es perseverante en la vida cotidiana, gris, monótona. Sabe que para agradar a Dios, una cosa es necesaria, es decir hacer las cosas mas pequeñas con gran amor, amor y siempre amor.

El amor puro no se equivoca, tiene singularmente mucha luz y no hará nada que no agrade a Dios. Es ingenioso en hacer lo que es más agradable a Dios y no hay nadie que lo iguale; es feliz cuando puede anonadarse y arder como un sacrificio puro.

Cuanto más se entrega, tanto mas es feliz. Además, nadie sabe presentir los peligros desde tan lejos como él; sabe quitar la máscara y sabe con quién trata." (Diario 140)

Loving those hard to love
Souls that are perfected in love can love the imperfect. St. Teresa of Avila writes: "As soon as these persons love, they go beyond the bodies and turn their eyes to the soul and look to see if there is something to love in the soul. And if there isn't anything lovable, but they see some beginning and readiness so that if they love this soul and dig in this mine they will find gold." St. Teresa of Avila, "The Way of Perfection," in The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, vol. 2, p. 64.


 St. Francis de Sales -Introduction to a Devout Life, “Love everyone with a strenuous love based on charity, but form friendships only with those who can share virtuous things with you.”

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